
class geoalchemy2.elements.WKTElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: geoalchemy2.elements._SpatialElement, sqlalchemy.sql.functions.Function

Instances of this class wrap a WKT value.

Usage examples:

wkt_element_1 = WKTElement('POINT(5 45)')
wkt_element_2 = WKTElement('POINT(5 45)', srid=4326)

This element’s description string.

class geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: geoalchemy2.elements._SpatialElement, sqlalchemy.sql.functions.Function

Instances of this class wrap a WKB value. Geometry values read from the database are converted to instances of this type. In most cases you won’t need to create WKBElement instances yourself.

Note: you can create WKBElement objects from Shapely geometries using the geoalchemy2.shape.from_shape() function.


This element’s description string.

class geoalchemy2.elements.RasterElement(data)[source]

Bases: sqlalchemy.sql.functions.FunctionElement

Instances of this class wrap a raster value. Raster values read from the database are converted to instances of this type. In most cases you won’t need to create RasterElement instances yourself.


This element’s description string.

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