Migrate to GeoAlchemy 2

This section describes how to migrate an application from the first series of GeoAlchemy to GeoAlchemy 2.

Defining Geometry Columns

The first series has specific types like Point, LineString and Polygon. These are gone, the geoalchemy2.types.Geometry type should be used instead, and a geometry_type can be passed to it.

So, for example, a polygon column that used to be defined like this:

geom = Column(Polygon)

is now defined like this:

geom = Column(Geometry('POLYGON'))

This change is related to GeoAlchemy 2 supporting the geoalchemy2.types.Geography type.

Calling Spatial Functions

The first series has its own namespace/object for calling spatial functions, namely geoalchemy.functions. With GeoAlchemy 2, SQLAlchemy’s func object should be used.

For example, the expression

functions.buffer(functions.centroid(box), 10, 2)

would be rewritten to this with GeoAlchemy 2:

func.ST_Buffer(func.ST_Centroid(box), 10, 2)

Also, as the previous example hinted it, the names of spatial functions are now all prefixed with ST_. (This is to be consistent with PostGIS and the SQL-MM standard.) The ST_ prefix should be used even when applying spatial functions to columns, geoalchemy2.elements.WKTElement, or geoalchemy2.elements.WKTElement objects:

Lake.geom.ST_Buffer(10, 2)
lake_table.c.geom.ST_Buffer(10, 2)
lake.geom.ST_Buffer(10, 2)

WKB and WKT Elements

The first series has classes like PersistentSpatialElement, PGPersistentSpatialElement, WKTSpatialElement.

They’re all gone, and replaced by two classes only: geoalchemy2.elements.WKTElement and geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement.

geoalchemy2.elements.WKTElement is to be used in expressions where a geometry with a specific SRID should be specified. For example:

Lake.geom.ST_Touches(WKTElement('POINT(1 1)', srid=4326))

If no SRID need be specified, a string can used directly:

Lake.geom.ST_Touches('POINT(1 1)')

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