Source code for geoalchemy2.shape

"""This module provides utility functions for integrating with Shapely.

.. note::

    As GeoAlchemy 2 itself has no dependency on `Shapely`, applications using
    functions of this module have to ensure that `Shapely` is available.

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

    import shapely.wkb
    import shapely.wkt
    from shapely.wkb import dumps

    HAS_SHAPELY = True
    _shapely_exc = None
except ImportError as exc:
    HAS_SHAPELY = False
    _shapely_exc = exc

from geoalchemy2.elements import WKBElement
from geoalchemy2.elements import WKTElement

def check_shapely():
    if not HAS_SHAPELY:
        raise ImportError(
            "This feature needs the optional Shapely dependency. "
            "Please install it with 'pip install geoalchemy2[shapely]'."
        ) from _shapely_exc

[docs] @check_shapely() def to_shape(element: Union[WKBElement, WKTElement]): """Function to convert a :class:`geoalchemy2.types.SpatialElement` to a Shapely geometry. Args: element: The element to convert into a ``Shapely`` object. Example:: lake = Session.query(Lake).get(1) polygon = to_shape(lake.geom) """ assert isinstance(element, (WKBElement, WKTElement)) if isinstance(element, WKBElement): data, hex = ( (, True) if isinstance(, str) else (bytes(, False) ) return shapely.wkb.loads(data, hex=hex) elif isinstance(element, WKTElement): if element.extended: return shapely.wkt.loads(";", 1)[1]) else: return shapely.wkt.loads( else: raise TypeError("Only WKBElement and WKTElement objects are supported")
[docs] @check_shapely() def from_shape(shape, srid: int = -1, extended: Optional[bool] = False) -> WKBElement: """Function to convert a Shapely geometry to a :class:`geoalchemy2.types.WKBElement`. Args: shape: The shape to convert. srid: An integer representing the spatial reference system. E.g. ``4326``. Default value is ``-1``, which means no/unknown reference system. extended: A boolean to switch between WKB and EWKB. Default value is False. Example:: from shapely.geometry import Point wkb_element = from_shape(Point(5, 45), srid=4326) ewkb_element = from_shape(Point(5, 45), srid=4326, extended=True) """ return WKBElement( memoryview(dumps(shape, srid=srid if extended else None)), srid=srid, extended=extended, )
__all__: List[str] = [ "from_shape", "to_shape", ] def __dir__() -> List[str]: return __all__