Source code for geoalchemy2.alembic_helpers

"""Some helpers to use with Alembic migration tool."""

from alembic.autogenerate import renderers
from alembic.autogenerate import rewriter
from alembic.autogenerate.render import _add_column
from alembic.autogenerate.render import _add_index
from alembic.autogenerate.render import _add_table
from alembic.autogenerate.render import _drop_column
from alembic.autogenerate.render import _drop_index
from alembic.autogenerate.render import _drop_table
from alembic.ddl.base import RenameTable
from alembic.ddl.base import format_table_name
from alembic.ddl.base import visit_rename_table
from alembic.ddl.sqlite import SQLiteImpl
from alembic.operations import BatchOperations
from alembic.operations import Operations
from alembic.operations import ops
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import MySQLDialect
from sqlalchemy.dialects.sqlite.base import SQLiteDialect
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator

from geoalchemy2 import Geography
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from geoalchemy2 import Raster
from geoalchemy2.admin.dialects.common import _check_spatial_type
from geoalchemy2.admin.dialects.common import _get_gis_cols
from geoalchemy2.admin.dialects.common import _spatial_idx_name

writer = rewriter.Rewriter()
"""Rewriter object for Alembic."""


[docs] class GeoPackageImpl(SQLiteImpl): """Class to copy the Alembic implementation from SQLite to GeoPackage.""" __dialect__ = "geopackage"
def _monkey_patch_get_indexes_for_sqlite(): """Monkey patch SQLAlchemy to fix spatial index reflection.""" normal_behavior = SQLiteDialect.get_indexes def spatial_behavior(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): indexes = self._get_indexes_normal_behavior(connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw) is_gpkg = == "geopackage" try: # Check that SpatiaLite was loaded into the DB is_spatial_db = connection.exec_driver_sql( """PRAGMA main.table_info({})""".format( "gpkg_geometry_columns" if is_gpkg else "geometry_columns" ) ).fetchall() if not is_spatial_db: return indexes except AttributeError: return indexes # Get spatial indexes if is_gpkg: spatial_index_query = text( """SELECT A.table_name, A.column_name, IFNULL(B.has_index, 0) AS has_index FROM "gpkg_geometry_columns" AS A LEFT JOIN ( SELECT table_name, column_name, COUNT(*) AS has_index FROM gpkg_extensions WHERE LOWER(table_name) = LOWER('{table_name}') AND extension_name = 'gpkg_rtree_index' ) AS B ON LOWER(A.table_name) = LOWER(B.table_name) WHERE LOWER(A.table_name) = LOWER('{table_name}'); """.format( table_name=table_name ) ) else: spatial_index_query = text( """SELECT * FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = '{}' ORDER BY f_table_name, f_geometry_column;""".format( table_name ) ) spatial_indexes = connection.execute(spatial_index_query).fetchall() if spatial_indexes: reflected_names = set([i["name"] for i in indexes]) for idx in spatial_indexes: idx_col = idx[1] idx_name = _spatial_idx_name(table_name, idx_col) if not bool(idx[-1]) or idx_name in reflected_names: continue indexes.append( { "name": idx_name, "column_names": [idx_col], "unique": 0, "dialect_options": {"_column_flag": True}, } ) reflected_names.add(idx_name) return indexes spatial_behavior.__doc__ = normal_behavior.__doc__ SQLiteDialect.get_indexes = spatial_behavior SQLiteDialect._get_indexes_normal_behavior = normal_behavior _monkey_patch_get_indexes_for_sqlite() def _monkey_patch_get_indexes_for_mysql(): """Monkey patch SQLAlchemy to fix spatial index reflection.""" normal_behavior = MySQLDialect.get_indexes def spatial_behavior(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): indexes = self._get_indexes_normal_behavior(connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw) # Get spatial indexes has_index_query = """SELECT DISTINCT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '{}' AND INDEX_TYPE = 'SPATIAL'""".format( table_name ) if schema is not None: has_index_query += """ AND TABLE_SCHEMA = '{}'""".format(schema) spatial_indexes = connection.execute(text(has_index_query)).fetchall() if spatial_indexes: reflected_names = set([i["name"] for i in indexes]) for idx in spatial_indexes: idx_col = idx[0] idx_name = _spatial_idx_name(table_name, idx_col) if idx_name in reflected_names: continue indexes.append( { "name": idx_name, "column_names": [idx_col], "unique": 0, "dialect_options": {"_column_flag": True}, } ) reflected_names.add(idx_name) return indexes spatial_behavior.__doc__ = normal_behavior.__doc__ MySQLDialect.get_indexes = spatial_behavior MySQLDialect._get_indexes_normal_behavior = normal_behavior _monkey_patch_get_indexes_for_mysql()
[docs] def render_item(obj_type, obj, autogen_context): """Add proper imports for spatial types.""" if obj_type == "type" and isinstance(obj, (Geometry, Geography, Raster)): import_name = obj.__class__.__name__ autogen_context.imports.add(f"from geoalchemy2 import {import_name}") return "%r" % obj # Default rendering for other objects return False
[docs] def include_object(obj, name, obj_type, reflected, compare_to): """Do not include internal tables of spatial extensions. .. warning:: This function only checks the table names, so it might exclude tables that should not be. In such case, you should create your own function to handle your specific table names. """ if obj_type == "table" and ( name.startswith("geometry_columns") or name.startswith("spatial_ref_sys") or name.startswith("spatialite_history") or name.startswith("sqlite_sequence") or name.startswith("views_geometry_columns") or name.startswith("virts_geometry_columns") or name.startswith("idx_") or name.startswith("gpkg_") or name.startswith("vgpkg_") ): return False return True
[docs] @Operations.register_operation("add_geospatial_column") @BatchOperations.register_operation("add_geospatial_column", "batch_add_geospatial_column") class AddGeospatialColumnOp(ops.AddColumnOp): """Add a Geospatial Column in an Alembic migration context. This method originates from: """
[docs] @classmethod def add_geospatial_column(cls, operations, table_name, column, schema=None): """Handle the different situations arising from adding geospatial column to a DB.""" op = cls(table_name, column, schema=schema) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Used to autogenerate the downgrade function.""" return DropGeospatialColumnOp.from_column_and_tablename( self.schema, self.table_name, )
[docs] @classmethod def batch_add_geospatial_column( cls, operations, column, insert_before=None, insert_after=None, ): """Issue an "add column" instruction using the current batch migration context.""" kw = {} if insert_before: kw["insert_before"] = insert_before if insert_after: kw["insert_after"] = insert_after op = cls( operations.impl.table_name, column, schema=operations.impl.schema, **kw, ) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] @Operations.register_operation("drop_geospatial_column") @BatchOperations.register_operation("drop_geospatial_column", "batch_drop_geospatial_column") class DropGeospatialColumnOp(ops.DropColumnOp): """Drop a Geospatial Column in an Alembic migration context."""
[docs] @classmethod def drop_geospatial_column(cls, operations, table_name, column_name, schema=None, **kw): """Handle the different situations arising from dropping geospatial column from a DB.""" op = cls(table_name, column_name, schema=schema, **kw) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Used to autogenerate the downgrade function.""" return AddGeospatialColumnOp.from_column_and_tablename( self.schema, self.table_name, self.column )
[docs] @classmethod def batch_drop_geospatial_column(cls, operations, column_name, **kw): """Issue a "drop column" instruction using the current batch migration context.""" op = cls( operations.impl.table_name, column_name, schema=operations.impl.schema, **kw, ) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] @Operations.implementation_for(AddGeospatialColumnOp) def add_geospatial_column(operations, operation): """Handle the actual column addition according to the dialect backend. Args: operations: Operations object from alembic base, defining high level migration operations. operation: AddGeospatialColumnOp call, with attributes for table_name, column_name, column_type, and optional keywords. """ table_name = operation.table_name column_name = dialect = operations.get_bind().dialect if == "sqlite": if isinstance(operation.column, TypeDecorator): # Will be either geoalchemy2.types.Geography or geoalchemy2.types.Geometry, if using a # custom type geospatial_core_type = operation.column.type.load_dialect_impl(dialect) else: geospatial_core_type = operation.column.type operations.execute( func.AddGeometryColumn( table_name, column_name, geospatial_core_type.srid, geospatial_core_type.geometry_type, geospatial_core_type.dimension, not geospatial_core_type.nullable, ) ) elif "postgresql" in operations.impl.add_column( table_name, operation.column, schema=operation.schema, )
[docs] @Operations.implementation_for(DropGeospatialColumnOp) def drop_geospatial_column(operations, operation): """Handle the actual column removal according to the dialect backend. Args: operations: Operations object from alembic base, defining high level migration operations. operation: AddGeospatialColumnOp call, with attributes for table_name, column_name, column_type, and optional keywords. """ table_name = operation.table_name column = operation.to_column(operations.migration_context) dialect = operations.get_bind().dialect if == "sqlite": _SPATIAL_TABLES.add(table_name) operations.impl.drop_column(table_name, column, schema=operation.schema, **
[docs] @compiles(RenameTable, "sqlite") def visit_rename_geospatial_table(element, compiler, **kw): """Specific compilation rule to rename spatial tables with SQLite dialect.""" table_is_spatial = element.table_name in _SPATIAL_TABLES new_table_is_spatial = element.new_table_name in _SPATIAL_TABLES if table_is_spatial or new_table_is_spatial: # Here we suppose there is only one DB attached to the current engine, so the prefix # is set to NULL return "SELECT RenameTable(NULL, '%s', '%s')" % ( format_table_name(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), format_table_name(compiler, element.new_table_name, element.schema), ) else: return visit_rename_table(element, compiler, **kw)
[docs] @compiles(DropTable, "sqlite") def visit_drop_geospatial_table(element, compiler, **kw): """Specific compilation rule to drop spatial tables with SQLite dialect.""" table_is_spatial = in _SPATIAL_TABLES if table_is_spatial: # Here we suppose there is only one DB attached to the current engine return "SELECT DropTable(NULL, '%s')" % ( format_table_name(compiler,, None), ) else: return compiler.visit_drop_table(element, **kw)
[docs] @renderers.dispatch_for(AddGeospatialColumnOp) def render_add_geo_column(autogen_context, op): """Render the add_geospatial_column operation in migration script.""" col_render = _add_column(autogen_context, op) return col_render.replace(".add_column(", ".add_geospatial_column(")
[docs] @renderers.dispatch_for(DropGeospatialColumnOp) def render_drop_geo_column(autogen_context, op): """Render the drop_geospatial_column operation in migration script.""" col_render = _drop_column(autogen_context, op) return col_render.replace(".drop_column(", ".drop_geospatial_column(")
[docs] @writer.rewrites(ops.AddColumnOp) def add_geo_column(context, revision, op): """Replace the default AddColumnOp by a geospatial-specific one.""" col_type = op.column.type if isinstance(col_type, TypeDecorator): dialect = context.bind.dialect col_type = col_type.load_dialect_impl(dialect) if isinstance(col_type, (Geometry, Geography, Raster)): op.column.type.spatial_index = False op.column.type._spatial_index_reflected = None new_op = AddGeospatialColumnOp(op.table_name, op.column, schema=op.schema) else: new_op = op return new_op
[docs] @writer.rewrites(ops.DropColumnOp) def drop_geo_column(context, revision, op): """Replace the default DropColumnOp by a geospatial-specific one.""" col_type = op.to_column().type if isinstance(col_type, TypeDecorator): dialect = context.bind.dialect col_type = col_type.load_dialect_impl(dialect) if isinstance(col_type, (Geometry, Geography, Raster)): new_op = DropGeospatialColumnOp(op.table_name, op.column_name, schema=op.schema) else: new_op = op return new_op
[docs] @Operations.register_operation("create_geospatial_table") class CreateGeospatialTableOp(ops.CreateTableOp): """Create a Geospatial Table in an Alembic migration context. This method originates from: """
[docs] @classmethod def create_geospatial_table(cls, operations, table_name, *columns, **kw): """Handle the different situations arising from creating geospatial table to a DB.""" op = cls(table_name, columns, **kw) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Used to autogenerate the downgrade function.""" return DropGeospatialColumnOp.from_table( self.to_table(), _namespace_metadata=self._namespace_metadata, )
@classmethod def from_table(cls, table, _namespace_metadata=None): obj = super().from_table(table, _namespace_metadata) return obj def to_table(self, migration_context=None): table = super().to_table(migration_context) # Set spatial_index attribute to False so the indexes are created explicitly for col in table.columns: try: if col.type.spatial_index: col.type.spatial_index = False except AttributeError: pass return table
[docs] @Operations.register_operation("drop_geospatial_table") class DropGeospatialTableOp(ops.DropTableOp):
[docs] @classmethod def drop_geospatial_table(cls, operations, table_name, schema=None, **kw): """Handle the different situations arising from dropping geospatial table from a DB.""" op = cls(table_name, schema=schema, table_kw=kw) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Used to autogenerate the downgrade function.""" return CreateGeospatialTableOp.from_table( self.to_table(), _namespace_metadata=self._namespace_metadata, )
@classmethod def from_table(cls, table, _namespace_metadata=None): obj = super().from_table(table, _namespace_metadata) return obj def to_table(self, migration_context=None): table = super().to_table(migration_context) return table
[docs] @Operations.implementation_for(CreateGeospatialTableOp) def create_geospatial_table(operations, operation): """Handle the actual table creation according to the dialect backend. Args: operations: Operations object from alembic base, defining high level migration operations. operation: CreateGeospatialTableOp call, with attributes for table_name, column_name, column_type, and optional keywords. """ table_name = operation.table_name bind = operations.get_bind() # For now the default events defined in geoalchemy2 are enough to handle table creation operations.create_table(table_name, *operation.columns, schema=operation.schema, ** if == "sqlite": _SPATIAL_TABLES.add(table_name)
[docs] @Operations.implementation_for(DropGeospatialTableOp) def drop_geospatial_table(operations, operation): """Handle the actual table removal according to the dialect backend. Args: operations: Operations object from alembic base, defining high level migration operations. operation: DropGeospatialTableOp call, with attributes for table_name, column_name, column_type, and optional keywords. """ table_name = operation.table_name bind = operations.get_bind() dialect = bind.dialect if == "sqlite": _SPATIAL_TABLES.add(table_name) operations.drop_table(table_name, schema=operation.schema, **operation.table_kw)
[docs] @renderers.dispatch_for(CreateGeospatialTableOp) def render_create_geo_table(autogen_context, op): """Render the create_geospatial_table operation in migration script.""" table_render = _add_table(autogen_context, op) return table_render.replace(".create_table(", ".create_geospatial_table(")
[docs] @renderers.dispatch_for(DropGeospatialTableOp) def render_drop_geo_table(autogen_context, op): """Render the drop_geospatial_table operation in migration script.""" table_render = _drop_table(autogen_context, op) return table_render.replace(".drop_table(", ".drop_geospatial_table(")
[docs] @writer.rewrites(ops.CreateTableOp) def create_geo_table(context, revision, op): """Replace the default CreateTableOp by a geospatial-specific one.""" dialect = context.bind.dialect gis_cols = _get_gis_cols(op, (Geometry, Geography, Raster), dialect) if gis_cols: new_op = CreateGeospatialTableOp( op.table_name, op.columns, schema=op.schema, _namespace_metadata=op._namespace_metadata, _constraints_included=op._constraints_included, ) else: new_op = op return new_op
[docs] @writer.rewrites(ops.DropTableOp) def drop_geo_table(context, revision, op): """Replace the default DropTableOp by a geospatial-specific one.""" dialect = context.bind.dialect table = op.to_table() gis_cols = _get_gis_cols(table, (Geometry, Geography, Raster), dialect) if gis_cols: new_op = DropGeospatialTableOp(op.table_name, schema=op.schema) else: new_op = op return new_op
[docs] @Operations.register_operation("create_geospatial_index") @BatchOperations.register_operation("create_geospatial_index", "batch_create_geospatial_index") class CreateGeospatialIndexOp(ops.CreateIndexOp):
[docs] @classmethod def create_geospatial_index( cls, operations, index_name, table_name, columns, schema=None, unique=False, **kw, ): """Handle the different situations arising from creating geospatial index into a DB.""" op = cls(index_name, table_name, columns, schema=schema, unique=unique, **kw) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Used to autogenerate the downgrade function.""" return DropGeospatialIndexOp( self.index_name, self.table_name, column_name=self.columns[0].name, schema=self.schema, )
[docs] @classmethod def batch_create_geospatial_index( cls, operations, index_name, columns, **kw, ): """Issue a "create index" instruction using the current batch migration context.""" op = cls( index_name, operations.impl.table_name, columns, schema=operations.impl.schema, **kw, ) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] @Operations.register_operation("drop_geospatial_index") @BatchOperations.register_operation("drop_geospatial_index", "batch_drop_geospatial_index") class DropGeospatialIndexOp(ops.DropIndexOp): def __init__(self, *args, column_name, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.column_name = column_name
[docs] @classmethod def drop_geospatial_index( cls, operations, index_name, table_name, column_name, schema=None, unique=False, **kw, ): """Handle the different situations arising from dropping geospatial index from a DB.""" op = cls( index_name, table_name=table_name, column_name=column_name, schema=schema, unique=unique, **kw, ) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Used to autogenerate the downgrade function.""" return CreateGeospatialIndexOp( self.index_name, self.table_name, column_name=self.column_name, schema=self.schema, _reverse=self, **, )
@classmethod def from_index(cls, index): assert index.table is not None assert len(index.columns) == 1, "A spatial index must be set on one column only" return cls(,, column_name=index.columns[0].name, schema=index.table.schema, _reverse=CreateGeospatialIndexOp.from_index(index), **index.kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def batch_drop_geospatial_index(cls, operations, index_name, **kw): """Issue a "drop index" instruction using the current batch migration context.""" op = cls( index_name, table_name=operations.impl.table_name, schema=operations.impl.schema, **kw, ) return operations.invoke(op)
[docs] @Operations.implementation_for(CreateGeospatialIndexOp) def create_geospatial_index(operations, operation): """Handle the actual index creation according to the dialect backend. Args: operations: Operations object from alembic base, defining high level migration operations. operation: CreateGeospatialIndexOp call, with attributes for table_name, column_name, column_type, and optional keywords. """ bind = operations.get_bind() dialect = bind.dialect if == "sqlite": assert len(operation.columns) == 1, "A spatial index must be set on one column only" operations.execute(func.CreateSpatialIndex(operation.table_name, operation.columns[0])) else: idx = operation.to_index(operations.migration_context) operations.impl.create_index(idx)
[docs] @Operations.implementation_for(DropGeospatialIndexOp) def drop_geospatial_index(operations, operation): """Handle the actual index drop according to the dialect backend. Args: operations: Operations object from alembic base, defining high level migration operations. operation: DropGeospatialIndexOp call, with attributes for table_name, column_name, column_type, and optional keywords. """ bind = operations.get_bind() dialect = bind.dialect if == "sqlite": operations.execute(func.DisableSpatialIndex(operation.table_name, operation.column_name)) else: operations.impl.drop_index(operation.to_index(operations.migration_context))
[docs] @renderers.dispatch_for(CreateGeospatialIndexOp) def render_create_geo_index(autogen_context, op): """Render the create_geospatial_index operation in migration script.""" idx_render = _add_index(autogen_context, op) return idx_render.replace(".create_index(", ".create_geospatial_index(")
[docs] @renderers.dispatch_for(DropGeospatialIndexOp) def render_drop_geo_index(autogen_context, op): """Render the drop_geospatial_index operation in migration script.""" idx_render = _drop_index(autogen_context, op) # Replace function name text = idx_render.replace(".drop_index(", ".drop_geospatial_index(") # Add column name as keyword argument text = text[:-1] + ", column_name='%s')" % (op.column_name,) return text
[docs] @writer.rewrites(ops.CreateIndexOp) def create_geo_index(context, revision, op): """Replace the default CreateIndexOp by a geospatial-specific one.""" dialect = context.bind.dialect if len(op.columns) == 1: col = op.columns[0] if isinstance(col, Column) and _check_spatial_type( col.type, (Geometry, Geography, Raster), dialect ): # Fix index properties["postgresql_using"] ="postgresql_using", "gist") if col.type.use_N_D_index: postgresql_ops = { "gist_geometry_ops_nd"} else: postgresql_ops = {}["postgresql_ops"] ="postgresql_ops", postgresql_ops) return CreateGeospatialIndexOp( op.index_name, op.table_name, op.columns, schema=op.schema, unique=op.unique, **, ) return op
[docs] @writer.rewrites(ops.DropIndexOp) def drop_geo_index(context, revision, op): """Replace the default DropIndexOp by a geospatial-specific one.""" dialect = context.bind.dialect idx = op.to_index() if len(idx.columns) == 1: col = idx.columns[0] if isinstance(col, Column) and _check_spatial_type( col.type, (Geometry, Geography, Raster), dialect ): return DropGeospatialIndexOp( op.index_name, table_name=op.table_name,, schema=op.schema, **, ) return op