Reproject a Raster using ST_TransformΒΆ

The ST_Transform() function (and a few others like ST_SnapToGrid()) can be used on both Geometry and Raster types. In GeoAlchemy2, this function is only defined for Geometry as it can not be defined for several types at the same time. Thus using this function on Raster requires minor tweaking.

This example uses both SQLAlchemy core and ORM queries.

 13 from sqlalchemy import Column
 14 from sqlalchemy import Integer
 15 from sqlalchemy import MetaData
 16 from sqlalchemy import Table
 17 from sqlalchemy import func
 18 from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
 19 from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
 21 from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
 22 from geoalchemy2 import Raster
 24 # Tests imports
 25 from tests import select
 27 metadata = MetaData()
 28 Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)
 30 table = Table(
 31     "raster_table",
 32     metadata,
 33     Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
 34     Column("geom", Geometry("POLYGON", 4326)),
 35     Column("rast", Raster()),
 36 )
 39 class RasterTable(Base):  # type: ignore
 40     __tablename__ = "raster_table_orm"
 41     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 42     geom = Column(Geometry("POLYGON", 4326))
 43     rast = Column(Raster())
 45     def __init__(self, rast):
 46         self.rast = rast
 49 def test_transform_core():
 50     # Define the transform query for both the geometry and the raster in a naive way
 51     wrong_query = select(
 52         [func.ST_Transform(table.c.geom, 2154), func.ST_Transform(table.c.rast, 2154)]
 53     )
 55     # Check the query
 56     assert str(wrong_query) == (
 57         "SELECT "
 58         "ST_AsEWKB("
 59         'ST_Transform(raster_table.geom, :ST_Transform_2)) AS "ST_Transform_1", '
 60         "ST_AsEWKB("  # <= Note that the raster is processed as a Geometry here
 61         'ST_Transform(raster_table.rast, :ST_Transform_4)) AS "ST_Transform_3" \n'
 62         "FROM raster_table"
 63     )
 65     # Define the transform query for both the geometry and the raster in the correct way
 66     correct_query = select(
 67         [
 68             func.ST_Transform(table.c.geom, 2154),
 69             func.ST_Transform(table.c.rast, 2154, type_=Raster),
 70         ]
 71     )
 73     # Check the query
 74     assert str(correct_query) == (
 75         "SELECT "
 76         "ST_AsEWKB("
 77         'ST_Transform(raster_table.geom, :ST_Transform_2)) AS "ST_Transform_1", '
 78         "raster("  # <= This time the raster is correctly processed as a Raster
 79         'ST_Transform(raster_table.rast, :ST_Transform_4)) AS "ST_Transform_3" \n'
 80         "FROM raster_table"
 81     )
 84 def test_transform_ORM():
 85     # Define the transform query for both the geometry and the raster in a naive way
 86     wrong_query = Query([RasterTable.geom.ST_Transform(2154), RasterTable.rast.ST_Transform(2154)])
 88     # Check the query
 89     assert str(wrong_query) == (
 90         "SELECT "
 91         "ST_AsEWKB("
 92         'ST_Transform(raster_table_orm.geom, :ST_Transform_2)) AS "ST_Transform_1", '
 93         "ST_AsEWKB("  # <= Note that the raster is processed as a Geometry here
 94         'ST_Transform(raster_table_orm.rast, :ST_Transform_4)) AS "ST_Transform_3" \n'
 95         "FROM raster_table_orm"
 96     )
 98     # Define the transform query for both the geometry and the raster in the correct way
 99     correct_query = Query(
100         [
101             RasterTable.geom.ST_Transform(2154),
102             RasterTable.rast.ST_Transform(2154, type_=Raster),
103         ]
104     )
106     # Check the query
107     assert str(correct_query) == (
108         "SELECT "
109         "ST_AsEWKB("
110         'ST_Transform(raster_table_orm.geom, :ST_Transform_2)) AS "ST_Transform_1", '
111         "raster("  # <= This time the raster is correctly processed as a Raster
112         'ST_Transform(raster_table_orm.rast, :ST_Transform_4)) AS "ST_Transform_3" \n'
113         "FROM raster_table_orm"
114     )

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