
This module defines the Column types.

The geoalchemy2.types.Geometry, geoalchemy2.types.Geography, and geoalchemy2.types.Raster classes are used when defining geometry, geography and raster columns/properties in models.

class geoalchemy2.types.CompositeType[source]

Bases: UserDefinedType

A composite type used by some spatial functions.

A wrapper for geoalchemy2.elements.CompositeElement, that can be used as the return type in PostgreSQL functions that return composite values.

This is used as the base class of geoalchemy2.types.GeometryDump.

class comparator_factory(expr: ColumnElement[_CT])[source]

Bases: Comparator

typemap: Dict[str, Type[TypeEngine[_T]] | TypeEngine[_T]] = {}

Dictionary used for defining the content types and their corresponding keys. Set in subclasses.

class geoalchemy2.types.Geography(geometry_type: str | None = 'GEOMETRY', srid=-1, dimension=2, spatial_index=True, use_N_D_index=False, use_typmod: bool | None = None, from_text: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, nullable=True, _spatial_index_reflected=None)[source]

Bases: _GISType

The Geography type.

Creating a geography column is done like this:

Column(Geography(geometry_type='POINT', srid=4326))

See geoalchemy2.types._GISType for the list of arguments that can be passed to the constructor.


The element class to use. Used by the parent class’ result_processor method.

alias of WKBElement

as_binary: str | None = 'ST_AsBinary'

The “as binary” function to use. Used by the parent class’ column_expression method.

cache_ok: bool | None = False

Disable cache for this type.

from_text: str | None = 'ST_GeogFromText'

The FromText geography constructor. Used by the parent class’ bind_expression method.

name: str | None = 'geography'

Type name used for defining geography columns in CREATE TABLE.

class geoalchemy2.types.Geometry(geometry_type: str | None = 'GEOMETRY', srid=-1, dimension=2, spatial_index=True, use_N_D_index=False, use_typmod: bool | None = None, from_text: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, nullable=True, _spatial_index_reflected=None)[source]

Bases: _GISType

The Geometry type.

Creating a geometry column is done like this:

Column(Geometry(geometry_type='POINT', srid=4326))

See geoalchemy2.types._GISType for the list of arguments that can be passed to the constructor.

If srid is set then the WKBElement objects resulting from queries will have that SRID, and, when constructing the WKBElement objects, the SRID won’t be read from the data returned by the database. If srid is not set (meaning it’s -1) then the SRID set in WKBElement objects will be read from the data returned by the database.


The element class to use. Used by the parent class’ result_processor method.

alias of WKBElement

as_binary: str | None = 'ST_AsEWKB'

The “as binary” function to use. Used by the parent class’ column_expression method.

cache_ok: bool | None = False

Disable cache for this type.

from_text: str | None = 'ST_GeomFromEWKT'

The “from text” geometry constructor. Used by the parent class’ bind_expression method.

name: str | None = 'geometry'

Type name used for defining geometry columns in CREATE TABLE.

class geoalchemy2.types.GeometryDump[source]

Bases: CompositeType

The return type for functions like ST_Dump.

The type consists in a path and a geom field. You should normally never use this class directly.

cache_ok: bool | None = True

Enable cache for this type.

typemap: Dict[str, _TypeEngineArgument] = {'geom': <class 'geoalchemy2.types.Geometry'>, 'path': ARRAY(Integer())}

Dictionary defining the contents of a geometry_dump.

class geoalchemy2.types.Raster(spatial_index=True, from_text=None, name=None, nullable=True)[source]

Bases: _GISType

The Raster column type.

Creating a raster column is done like this:


This class defines the result_processor method, so that raster values received from the database are converted to geoalchemy2.elements.RasterElement objects.


spatial_index – Indicate if a spatial index should be created. Default is True.


The element class to use. Used by the parent class’ result_processor method.

alias of RasterElement

as_binary: str | None = 'raster'

The “as binary” function to use. Used by the parent class’ column_expression method.

cache_ok: bool | None = False

Disable cache for this type.


This is the way by which spatial operators and functions are defined for raster columns.

alias of BaseComparator

from_text: str | None = 'raster'

The “from text” raster constructor. Used by the parent class’ bind_expression method.

name: str | None = 'raster'

Type name used for defining raster columns in CREATE TABLE.

class geoalchemy2.types.SummaryStats[source]

Bases: CompositeType

Define the composite type returned by the function ST_SummaryStatsAgg.

cache_ok: bool | None = True

Enable cache for this type.

typemap: Dict[str, _TypeEngineArgument] = {'count': <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Integer'>, 'max': <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Float'>, 'mean': <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Float'>, 'min': <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Float'>, 'stddev': <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Float'>, 'sum': <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.Float'>}

Dictionary used for defining the content types and their corresponding keys. Set in subclasses.

class geoalchemy2.types._GISType(geometry_type: str | None = 'GEOMETRY', srid=-1, dimension=2, spatial_index=True, use_N_D_index=False, use_typmod: bool | None = None, from_text: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, nullable=True, _spatial_index_reflected=None)[source]

Bases: UserDefinedType

The base class for spatial types.

This class defines bind_expression and column_expression methods that wrap column expressions in ST_GeomFromEWKT, ST_GeogFromText, or ST_AsEWKB calls.

This class also defines result_processor and bind_processor methods. The function returned by result_processor converts WKB values received from the database to geoalchemy2.elements.WKBElement objects. The function returned by bind_processor converts geoalchemy2.elements.WKTElement objects to EWKT strings.

  • geometry_type

    The geometry type.

    Possible values are:

    • "GEOMETRY",

    • "POINT",


    • "POLYGON",





    • "CURVE",

    • None.

    The latter is actually not supported with geoalchemy2.types.Geography.

    When set to None then no “geometry type” constraints will be attached to the geometry type declaration.

    Default is "GEOMETRY".

  • srid – The SRID for this column. E.g. 4326. Default is -1.

  • dimension – The dimension of the geometry. Default is 2.

  • spatial_index – Indicate if a spatial index should be created. Default is True.

  • use_N_D_index – Use the N-D index instead of the standard 2-D index.

  • use_typmod – By default PostgreSQL type modifiers are used to create the geometry column. To use check constraints instead set use_typmod to False. By default this option is not included in the call to AddGeometryColumn. Note that this option is only available for PostGIS 2.x.


Look for an attribute named “visit_<visit_name>” on the visitor, and call it with the same kw params.

as_binary: str | None = None

The name of the “as binary” function for this type. Set in subclasses.


Specific bind_expression that automatically adds a conversion function.


Specific bind_processor that automatically process spatial elements.

cache_ok: bool | None = False

Disable cache for this type.


Specific column_expression that automatically adds a conversion function.


This is the way by which spatial operators are defined for geometry/geography columns.

alias of Comparator

from_text: str | None = None

The name of “from text” function for this type. Set in subclasses.

name: str | None = None

Name used for defining the main geo type (geometry or geography) in CREATE TABLE statements. Set in subclasses.

result_processor(dialect, coltype)[source]

Specific result_processor that automatically process spatial elements.


Select the dialect from its name.